../ video playlists media list net.art list other archives ⤵ 202405092349-alan Bellow is a random asortments of links to instreasing things i've come across in my wanderings through the internet. ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 2025-01-03 Climate Scientists are Very Confused. 3:25 "Or with the inherent limitations of our cognitive frameworks for apprehending intersubjective constructs within a socially negotiated reality." damn good writing :) epic sentence 2024-12-06 2024-11-07 shitty kickflips social reject horseshoe theory: why i listen to incelcore 2024-08-04 Alan Watts: A Conversation with Myself - Part 1 - haman locations vs natural locations https://essays.georgestrakhov.com/ lots of awsome ideas here, pop off george
a story about a handbuilt house (wryl) — 07/29/2024 12:37 PM So. I lived in a log cabin when I was younger, from about 2004 to 2008. It was built by my mother, using trees off of her property. She personally built nearly every aspect, with her husband at the time assisting her with things you just need two people for. She built it in the early 80s, largely with hand tools. Chelate just showed up! — 07/29/2024 12:38 PM (wryl) — 07/29/2024 12:38 PM It housed holidays, birthdays, summers, winters, and a happy family. Wood, nails, mud. She continually renovated it for years. Nice wooden cabinets in the kitchen, a back deck, new rooms. She was able to do all of this herself, including a good chunk of the plumbing, because it was accessible. She had the resources at her disposal, and the tools that were simple enough to grasp first-hand, and built herself a home. The relationship between that home and those tools and processes is pretty deep. Building a home on top of foundations you built is a very powerful statement. And throughout the time that that house has stood, it's been feature complete. Everything else was a nice-to-have. If I compare this to the house I was born in, and grew up in for about 10ish years, the differences start almost immediately. It was a house that my father had bought for cheap, was dilapidated and needed a vast amount of effort not just to repair, but to restore. My father bought that house in the late 80's. He still wasn't finished fixing it up when he sold it in 2008. It was a home, but a very, very costly one. It cost a ton to heat, a ton to keep up with the maintenance on, and a ton of mental energy spent keeping it together. Architecturally, it was fairly solid. An old New England style house. But it was too much. More space became a liability, rooms went unused. When I think of things like Uxn, or small projects, built by single people, I think of that log cabin. When I think of things like web browsers, I think of that first house. Because that cabin was architected by a single person, and therefore could be maintained by a single person. (wryl) — 07/29/2024 12:45 PM But that first house was built by teams of people. And one person was attempting to fix it! It's David v. Goliath! And I don't think it's a coincidence that that cabin was more of a home. The provenance of a software project defines the relationship that people will have to that piece of software. Passive tolerance versus active enthusiasm. yumaikas — 07/29/2024 12:47 PM Or active dislike, depending the tastes of the current folks vs the tastes of the original creators (wryl) — 07/29/2024 12:48 PM The difference in leverage comes from that provenance. How a piece of software is built directly influences the relationship users form with it. In all ways including the most subtle. It's something that I don't think anybody really internalizes when they go to build a piece of software. Because you aren't thinking about the home at the end, you're thinking about the construction. You get enthusiastic about construction, about building, about the sophisticated methods. You go out and buy a pneumatic nail gun, which requires a compressor, which requires power delivery everywhere you need to nail something, which requires wiring.. When all you really needed was a fucking hammer.
2024-08-03 https://llllllll.co/t/permacomputing/62766/103?u=nax this is a beutiful analogy we need more elvish magic some time brfore im am parahprasing as for what things i find make sence. "see if you can find some value in the human being who is sitting in front of you for what heor she is now; not for what they were somwhere." "'oh, whos son are you whos dauter are you.' that is not important" "who you are right now; that is the most significant thing." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3Yb9ZQc-sI&list=PL3uDtbb3OvDNcAS_bKRZp4zUJTWU2ypCf "when you want to say somthing absolutly illogical and unreasonable, you bring up the god and the devil." "so if there is more than one voie you have to kill the other voices." (oh shit, thats a bit harsh) "intelect is like a knife, it is sharp, isin't?" "eveolution gave you a sharp mind. now you are cutting yourself alover the place, and you are complaining about it." "we gave you a very complex machine, and you did not bother to read the usermanual and your trying to hadel it blidly. now all sorts of things will speak!" "if you are siting alone and suffering, this means you are in bad company, isn't it?" "you have to fix that one thing, (points to himself), that this thing is never bad company. this is the best company you have." "there is one easy fix for this." "whenever good thing happen, bad thing happen, doesn't matter whatever happens, or did not happen in my life, its all my resposiblity." "otherwize god will speak here, devil will speak here, atman will speak from here, peraatman will speak form somwhere else. and they'll drive you crazy." (oh, strange, wait, i don't like that) (perhapes my resposiblity to aceppt it for what it is? perhapes, i don't understand this phase of words.) (rather than my "fault / problem to take care of", its my "resposiblity / problem to acept?") (because "resposebilty" to me means paranoia, and conflicting descion making, and worry about what i am suposed to do.) "not by dogma, but by observation can you come into line with creation" "Leave the dead to the dead. carish the beutiful moments you had with them. but otherwize, you should stop relating to the dead" "the moment they shed their body, they are not longer your buissnes" "be with the man who is still alive, do not be with the dead" "the cloths of the person who died are to be burned, the ones that they wore most often"- sadhguru (any cloths that remind you of them, get rid of them, they are not part of your life any more) "the cloths that you do keep, you should not ware them for a year" - sadhguru (do not involve yourself with the dead, all this spooky stuff, it is interesting, but if it becomes an obsestion than it will hurt you and those around you. not because of some spooky supernatural hapenings but because you have becomes obsessed with somthing that is not indicative of what living life is. there is not spooky ghost sucking out your life force. you are the spooky ghost.) "someone who got really good at cricket is a criket god. a god is not somthing who came down from the sky. it is somone who was able to do or see something thought to not be possible." "don't squish the grass hopper. you don't know who he is, where he is going. you do not know if he is a sage or a god. if anything, that grasshopper might know more about human life than some humans, right? he knows his life perfectly, its humans who don't know what to eat, what to ware, where to shit, nothing they know. :D" "so there is no separation between sages and sinetists, sages and musicians, sages and cooks, all same people. Gut Microbiome, Fermented Foods & the Power of Your Second Brain | Dr. Emeran Mayer & Sadhguru "You are doing somthing willingly: that is your heavan. You are doing somthing un-willingly: that is your hell." "this is wrong" (im paraphrasing of corse) "you create an image of what you do willingly and un-willingly" "who you will and will not interact with" "there are no good and bad people" "if you create a plesant atmosphere, everyome behaves wonderfuly. if you create a unpleast atmosphere, a whole lot of people act nasty" - 𝗦𝗮𝗱𝗵𝗴𝘂𝗿𝘂 http://sparetimelabs.com/animato/animato/ - inde / homemade animation back in the 70s from this one guy http://ipwebdev.com/hermit/CowboyBebop.html https://fauux.neocities.org/space - this is my favorite panel "Permacomputing is not a silver bullet either." - in what way ick https://permacomputing.net/greenwashing/ what? https://permacomputing.net/ikiwiki.cgi?do=create&from=issues&page=otherness hmmm https://permacomputing.net/Jevons_paradox/ "The villain here is not necessarily the Internet, or even the idea of social media; it is the invasive logic of commercial social media and its financial incentive to keep us in a profitable state of anxiety, envy, and distraction. It is furthermore the cult of individuality and personal branding that grow out of such platforms and affect the way we think about our offline selves and the places where we actually live." - Jenny Odell, How to Do Nothing heres the link chain -> https://dimwit.neocities.org/links -> https://goblin-heart.net/sadgrl/cyberspace/internet-manifesto -> https://yesterweb.org/#summary def check out the yesterweb thing, ill have to read through it too. "I’d like to present a counterpoint to the hardware fetishism that dominates electronic music, because this has become a very dogmatic and one-sided discussion. To an unhealthy extent, because we let vendors and instrument makers almost completely control the conversation. If you didn’t read this thread, you might actually have a hard time finding a counterpoint to the hordes of “anti-computer” folks out there. There are a lot of us who use computers or hybrid setups, we just don’t have as much to say. Trying to make music without a DAW is often an exercise in frustration. It’s massively expensive, limiting(and not always in fun ways), distracting, takes up a ton of space, and can burn a ton of time you might be spending on more creative activities. MIDI controllers, plugins and a DAW have about 100x the musical potential per dollar as hardware does. Analog rarely sounds that different than emulations of it, and buying stuff seldom unblocks creative frustration in the way that learning technique, theory, and ideas does. Lots of awesome music comes out of people using computers. Buying tons of stuff and switching to hardware is unlikely to fix a problem that you have not defined, to help you achieve a vision that you’re not making explicit, etc. Last year I wrapped up a years-long quest to replace FLStudio, only to discover that doing so was not only expensive, but nearly impossible. I also discovered quickly that sync issues aren’t limited to software, and that I was chasing my tail. It was frustrating, expensive, time consuming, unproductive, and I gained nothing from it. Today, I’ve kept the best little slices of hardware I got along that journey, but I could take or leave most of it. So if you’re frustrated right now and thinking about leaving the computer behind - ask yourself if you’re frustrated with the computer, or just frustrated at your own creative block. Are you “tired of looking at a screen” or are you just pissy because you’re STUCK and you’ve exhausted all your current ideas. Think about what gives you ideas and inspires you. Maybe that’s “KNOB PER FUNCTION”… but it could also be “MOROCCAN FOOD” or “FOLK ART” or “PLUMBING”. Be brave, define the problem that you’re trying to solve before you charge into the gear videos. Even if that’s uncomfortable." - deltasleep a strange picture of fabric My Funny Valentine on theremin and piano Theremin is so beutiful sounding... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGc-Dx0zgRA The Problem With Secular Architecture - Jonathan Pageau -> at 29:30 in north america there is just the suburb, the suburb and the malls and the highways where theres no center, no human scale, no place to congrigate, to walk theres no public space! theres no public square where you can come and meet your nieghbors and people you know theres a quantificaion of human eperiance and reduction of the human to a dot, on a falt map WC - The Thought Reel -> 5/19/24 https://elilenti.neocities.org/index2 these flim strips are so beutiful, bro so cool https://www.fredcamper.com/Film/BrakhageS.html intresting, i'll have to be there if i'm in the area https://www.earlytelevision.org/arland_videos.html http://www.texasescapes.com/JimmyDobson/Images/CiscoTXAbandonedGasStation917JDobson67.jpg i have some spescial afinity for these photos the "50 year computer" 30yearcomp" working_offgrid_efficiently
DRM is DefectiveByDesign
dude strate vibin' :D
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we are creating information the future will not be able to decode MEOW There are two pictures of a door. In the first picture, the door is closed. In the second picture, taken later, the door is open. Nobody opened the door. The door did not open itself. The door, in fact, did not open at all. What happened? Rotation Theory this was a lovely lill read. highly recomend. /interviews/james.primate Secret Handshake Games that don't care about you. Unlisted Videos - The Cursed Judge THE KRYPT Leonard Solomon ALL ON A MARDI GRAS DAY