../ This list contains media or otherwize reproducible experences that have been part of my life and memories; things that inspire me in some way. I try to only recomend media here that I personaly think is worth the time it takes to read / watch / listen to them. A direct corelation of potecny and density. The javascript for this page is a bit funny, click twice on a section to open it for the first time >:(
Video Games
short and sweet itch list - just click somthin random on this, theres cool peeps out there barnacle goose very chill, theres something about dreaming in this, the setances are randomly selected, but it works. it feals like what dreams are. it makes or brain use the same part that dreams, the strange creative and odd correlation part. awsome game to be played in the morning
i recomend these
Tunic Reminds me of when I first started playing video games as a kid. Its magical. It all feels like a strange mystery. The way it uses the in game manual, sheif's kiss. You'll see somthing, wonder what its for, then revelation will hit. You could have done this action from the begining of the game. You just didn't know how the game worked yet. Me and my brother had so much fun collectively solving the puzzles. The fighting is on point as well. Somehow it doesn't feel anoying, there is no grinding required, its just another beutiful part of the world to be interacted with. The music by itself is somthing to be marveled at. The album has the feeling of an infinte weekend. An alien space. It really is just an awsome adventure :)
Outer Wilds This game knows how to surprize you and give the feeling of exploration and adventure. Uncovering the secrets of a space. Makes your brain work real hard to figure out how to explore diffrent areas. Echos of the Eye (dlc) is fenominal as well.
Nidus this is the best two player co-op game ive played, hands down. me and my yonger brother love playing this game, its just so mesmorizing. its a bullet hell type game, which in co-operative works SO well. The sound desiegn too, god DAWMN.
Society of the Snow mmm, a netflix exclusive, yay good movie though. retells the real story of a group of people who have to survive in the Andes mountains, after being stranded from a plane crash. its a brutal movie.
Music myl1327 by Forest Ivel - for when i feal melancholic Colugo " Nice cardigans " - chaotic
Manga / Graphic novels
I Am a Hero my favorite piece of zombie fiction i think. i like how the zombies take on the retetatve phsycoligy of the human they are part of. lots of cool hive mind stuff here to. i zone out for the combat that happens. i started reading the artists next work Under Ninja. I think i might enjoy certain parts of it more.