
Welcome to this strange world of wonder and adventure!

The following images have been downscaled to 1440p to keep the website some-what lightweight. Please contact me if you have any issues with load times. This website has been designed to be viewed on PC with a 1080p screen. For high quality images and files for printing zines, please check the itch page for this novel. The best way I've found to format the html is like this. Works pretty good. img id="help" src="nax-chap-0-page-03.jpg" style="height: 100%; width: 100%; object-fit: contain;"
side note: my html knowlage is limited. if you know a better way to set up comic reading on a website, contact me if you wish.
Should just work. Put your browser into fullscreen and read away. Once you get a chapter going click on each page to advance to the next page.

chapter 1 : chapter 2 : chapter 3

Software Credits Debian 12 Bookworm - OS Krita - image editing XnView - image metadata
Suport If you wish to suport me or this art, you may give money to one of these projects or some of my music.

Nax and the Space Time Continuum is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0