../ lets simplify even further. each is a tutorial on how to blink in a different situation, yup, mhm.

Folder structre and safty

There were a couple of times where I acsidentally saved over other songs. My folder structure was like this. ../ 1.json 1-render.wav 2.json 2-render.wav 3.json 3-render.wavIt was too easy to click the wrong file when saving. Structuring it like this seamed to help. ../ 1/ 1.json 1-render.wav 2/ 2.json 2-render.wav 3/ 3.json 3-render.wavThis helped alot. Cover Art This is my eye as viewed through a 200deg peephole. I think it looks like an alien. Videos The videos were recorded like this. The eye window is a love2d program. The other is ultrabox in "Song Player" view. Open it with Shift+P or from the "file" menu. These are then blended together into OBS using the "screen" blend mode. Love2d program lg = love.graphics local open = lg.newImage('open.png') local closed = lg.newImage('closed.png') local current = open local timer = 10 local width, height = open:getWidth(),open:getHeight() local halfWidth,halfHeight = width/2,height/2 function love.load() love.window.setMode(width, height) end local lastTimerChange = 0 local deb = false function love.draw() lg.setColor(1,1,1) if timer <= 0 then if current == open then current = closed --[[ The duration of a blink is on average 10010 seconds; actual rates vary by individual, averaging around 17 blinks per minute in a laboratory setting. However, when the eyes are focused on an object for an extended period of time, such as when reading, the rate of blinking decreases to about 4 to 5 times per minute. ]] -- 60*2 = 120 -- 60*10 = 600 timer = math.random(120,600) end lastTimerChange = timer else timer = timer - 1 end lg.draw(current) if deb then lg.print(timer) lg.print(lastTimerChange,0,20) lg.line(halfWidth, height,halfWidth,0) lg.line(0, halfHeight,width,halfHeight) local mx,my = love.mouse.getPosition() local dx,dy = mx-(halfWidth),my-(halfHeight) local len = math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) lg.circle('line',halfWidth,halfHeight,len) end end function love.keypressed(key) if key=='d' then deb = not deb end end Software Used - Ultrabox (Music maker) - Krita (cover art saturation and cropping) - Love2d (blinking animation) - Obs (recording and layering video) - MystiQ (.mkv to .mp4 convertion)