../ last updated: 2025-01-14
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Elliot Bridges

email: elliot.rees.bridges@gmail.com phone: +1 (970) 804-0308 website: churchbasement.org location: Loveland Colorado, US


Previous Job Experience





(ordered roughly by skill / familiarity. Most at the top, least at the bottom.)
  • Lua 5.4

    ("fastest language in the realm of interpreted scripting languages.")
  • PureData

    (audio synthesis and DSP)
  • GDScript

    (simular to python)
  • HTML and CSS

    (my website is handcrafted HTML and CSS)
  • OpenGL

    (1.5, 3.2, 4.1)
  • Arduino (simplified c++)


(... that I am quite comfortable with)
  • 2D and 3D vector math + trigonometry.
  • Matrix multiplication for optimized rotation and transformation.
  • Solid understanding of Cellular Automita and Lenia.

Physical Abilities

  • Ride my bike to locations whenever feasible. Also love hiking with firends and phylosifizing.
  • I love hiking and taking long walks outside. Helps me be mindful.
  • I consider myself the best cook at my house. Might just be me though :)