
Decay and that which is specificaly not-fiction.

I see two things. One of life and one of decay. One of exsistance and one of non-exsistance. Humans are one of the most potent parts of life. We suport eachother. Help eachother survive. We colaberate to fight off decay. Decay is what happens to a house after it has been abandoned. Decay is what happens to a dieing star. Decay is what happens when we dont try to help eachother. I see a conflict / war between life and decay. Not-fiction is one step beyond non-fiction. It is what no human can put into words. Fiction however, is what humans are able to put into words. It is separate from reality, a place of escape from the unbearable realness of decay. A interesting piece of art happens when that not-fiction is allowed to seap in. Things become unsure, become unkown, uncomfortable. More in acordence with the reality of decay: the things that directly apose our exsistance and dreams of the future. If we don't acnolage not-fiction then it will slap us in the face. We need to acnkolage and akespt decay, or else we won't know how to live with it. We will live in fiction. Living in fiction means hiding from reality. Let me descibe exsactly why fiction is seprate from reality. What any one humman knows, comes from their experience as a human. They do not know what it is to be a bird or a rock. What they know to be true is constucted from a life experiece that is indevidual to their human body. Fiction is the storys we tell about our experiences. Don't get me wrong, it is true fiction, true to its creator, but it is not exsaclty what happened. Describing reality in its entirety is imposible. There is no way to describe something without being reductive: without reducing it into something less than what it realy is. A person can never be condained in one sentence: or even a thousand sentences. The only way to know something is to experence it. I think thats why fiction that seams flat, that does not have layers of experence, is dangerous. They do not descibe what it means to live and to experence. To be overly blunt, to belive a fiction is to belive a lie. But its a beutiful lie! More thinking needed.