im linking things mosty for myself i guess. sorry if that bothers you.
Wyrl at Handmade Seattle 2024 - Day 2
(these are not my thoughts, just taking notes)
A problem is that coding and software are extreamly complex. Needlessly complex. Layering abstractions on top of eachother obvuscates the underlying intuition of a system. Makes it harder for people new to the ideas to undertsand them.
Somthing went wrong in the last 40 years. The idea is that it talks a long time to learn mastery over a system. Think reto codeing and the demoscean. These are impresive because of the master and knowlage of a system it requires to do something impressive within the limitations of "weak" hardware. But if the coding tools and the hardware keep changing, mastery becomes neih on impossible. There is simply to much to try and understand. Crafting software becomes extreamly painful requiring hundreds of people to create software.
Escaping to "fantacy" computing, esolangs, retrocomputing reclaims a sence of knowing how a system works. Reclaims what is indevidualy possible by a single person. BUT. By doing this you loose the epic things that exsist in those bloated systems. Text and image editors, web browsers, video players. The "REAL" computing vs. the "fantacy" computing. You feel "fantacy" computings limits.
Intuition is the BEST tool for learning software. Wryl's idea is rewriting.
What is rewriting?
- Stucture
Stucture is the medium where the computation happens. A note pad. Your brain.
Data -> (strings, trees, sets, memory)
- rules
Rules are the ideas which outline how the computation oporates.
A transformation which can be applyed to data.
A fun strcutere is a bag of stuff. Then we do stuff to that bag.
Apple, orange, cherry -> Fruit salad
If we have these things then we remove those things and make a firut salad. Extreamly intuitive. This is a "hello world" function of rewriting.
Or here is a "function call" type rule.
do chores -> do landery, do dishes
landery done, landery done -> chores done
reading material
When the Implication Is Not to Design (Technology)
"Furthermore, the calculator does little to encourage the
user to consider alternative possibilities, e.g., forgoing the
purchase of a new car and instead buying a bicycle and/or a
public transportation pass. But what if the user lives in an area
where biking is not feasible at certain times, or where public
transportation is scant or nonexistent? These are the kind
of larger, systemic issues to which we believe the questions
suggested here can help draw attention."
rnd quotes
"a mac pro 2012 with PT HDX or powercore and UAD offers you 100+ realtime effects, and if that is not enough for someone to mix rock and pop, he is probably doing something wrong." - 110
you don't need it
half or more of the stuff we want we never need. what we have is usualy more than enough. only in certain cases is something "required".
what do i use a computer for right now
exploring other people's art via a web browser (knowlage exploreation / transfer / trade)
- random websites
- forums
- youtube / peertube
comunication and cordination with people who are localy far away
- comunication via discord (it seams fragile)
- phone stuff -> texting / calls
music making
- audio file storage and orginization
- composition / recording (blockhead right now)
- the ocational romp with pure data (i'd really like to use computers as live instruments more)
game making
- godot3
- picotron
- pico8
- tried a bit of love2d as well
image editing and storage
listening to music
some games if they happen to work on linux (mostly web games)
the computers i've used for stuff (in general, it would be cool if we could get this down to one "device", i have way more computing power than "needed")
- iphone es gen1
- phone stuff
- music and podcasts / audio dramas
- on the go comunication with friends
- it has a very small (not good for knowlage exploreation, but do able)
- caustic 3 (very fun self contained DAW) a lill board of it for now
- nice camera
- thinkpad p50
- knowlage exploreation
- music making
- talking with friends
- large readable screen
- comfortable keyboard
- really bad mic
- solid camera (very grainy but you know)
- zoom h4
- high quality audio interface i/o
- nice mic
- enables direct recording to the thinkpad
- have not used it for field recording
Minamalism in hardware and software
Imagine that software development becomes so complex and expensive that no software is being written anymore, only apps designed in devtools.
Imagine a computer, which requires 1 billion transistors to flicker the cursor on the screen. Imagine a world, where computers are driven by software written from 400 million lines of source code.
Imagine a world, where the biggest 20 technology corporation totaling 2 million employees and 100 billion USD revenue groups up to introduce a new standard. And they are unable to write even a compiler within 15 year.
"This is our current world."
" - dawnos.txt
i agree asthetically with this sentament. and the sentaments that DawnOS's author speaks of.
but. the over complexity makes sence right? its what happens when a bunch of diffrent people with diffrent preceved needs make somthing overtime. Bloat.
then, when starting to make a piece of software, somone must consider where they're work will actualy be used and apreciated right?
that being said i could totaly see myself trying to make somthing or suport this idea. mabye i'll make a game for DawnOS, or try to help developing the SUBLEQ chip. sounds like somthing to do with life right?
the conviction of this site is thrilling -> http://users.atw.hu/gerigeri/DawnOS/index.html
or perhapes i'm just wasting presious internet engery by slaping all this text on a website :)
The Ease of use of Software
A piece of software's bariar to entery is how much learning is required before a certain goal can be achived within the software. This bariar to entry should be minimized at all costs. One such exsample is the use of a terminal, which can feel extreamly unintuitive and needlessly criptic. At least to me. Perhapes there are other, more intuitive ways to achive these functions?
"..."Unix brutalism" [] uses a lot of monospaced fonts, program code and other elements typical of character terminals. It should be noted that despite its "hardcore low-level vibes" it is often a suboptimal way of using display hardware." - https://permacomputing.net/aesthetics/
I happen to agree with this.
In general I belive it is extreamly important to design user interfaces with the natural inclenations of humans in mind. Nevermind, what might more astheticly pleasing codewize. Lets go for usablity and efficiency at the same time.
"The game was also noted for its extremely small file size compared to many other modern games, with the PC version at around 33 MB. While the PlayStation 5 version is over 100 MB, most of that size can be attributed to a single high resolution image used in the console's UI."