A Religon of Exsistance
This could also be described as a non-religion. Its focus is to find meaning from experiences, not from abstracted metaphysics. Make the metaphysical the exsact same as the physical. The magic of being with people, of exploring the world, is a way to find deep meaning. Finding deep understanding. There is no end to what can be learned and discovered in the physical world. Make the mind and body one.
I'm talking about going on a hike in the mountains with friends, talking over life with friends, playing board games, or experiencing art. Making the 'non-religious' 'religious'. Here. Focus on a memory of meaningfulness. What does it feel like? What is its guts? How can you apply that to all of life? Because it seams that this meaning is somthing that you have to put effort into cutivating. Its a practice of observing the things around you without and passive or abstracted attitude. Be where you are, not where you are not, perhaps?
"stop talking and do something else"
Misc Resources
John Vervaeke - the value of the non-proporzitional
John Vervaeke - Why Can't We Find Meaning Anymore?