
the computer as a spiritual object

2025-02-25 have had a hankering to work on this idea again latly a solar powered computer would be dope i would also like to find a coding and computation environment that i can mesh with cleanly love2d is pretty cool, but the lack of DSP is kinda sad not ment for system tools? i'd love to have my own personal os it would just take a bunch of time right thats the problem you have to make all your own software 2024-12-15 don't think i really mentioned it yet these are feeling s behiend this idea Scarcity and Precarity in Small Manufacturing A holistic approach to computing and sustainability inspired from permaculture. One of the harbingers of the coming digital age is the suspicion that we may lack the ability to make sense of our recorded ones and zeros in the future. that's ideas though nothing solid yet 2024-11-27 i'm wondering if such a device is possible computers are too complex to form relationships with them not in the way that a human is complex no ths is diffrent... 2024-11-27 not that i don't want this idea to come to pass the firction between reality and the idea is to great right now 2024-11-17 shower thought think of usb devices as parasites atching to a host usb cables the arms or proboscis the host being computer with usb io then those parasites interface with a human this idea is apealing 2024-11-06 my wish is to have a creative instrument i wondering if its not about the physical device itself rather the way a device is used 2024-11-04 the validity of this idea has been crushed into the ground for me as of late. the time it takes to create such a device is... i don't have the knowlage to create a device like this, besides bring together premade parts. my idea of a personaly built computer feels exclutionary and selfish. no one else is benefiting from the time i have put into this project. above all, if anything, i love it when my art brings a feeling of insperation and wonder to people. i want to create the same feeling that i get from when i expirience other people's art. perhapes i have not shared my progress enough with others. i know for sure i need to figure out how to survive money wize. this project gave me the idea of a future where i could share the final result as a thank you to those who inspired me. the feeling that has seaping into everything i've done latly is selfishness. im done. its not a happy thing. 2024-10-06 so blockhead doesn't work on arm... frick. here, let me express my disapointment in tec for a bit. i really like this computer. i don't need more than this. well i don't need a computer truthfuly. but i like coimputers. what makes it awsome - lots of io - 4 usb - headphone out - extra audio board - speaker - stereo in - stereo out - mic in - on board mic -this is awsome :)- - ethernet - camera ribon conector (like to make this my camera as well) - mini hidmi (dumb stupid had to buy a new cable for that, has two at least i guess) - its really really powerful - probebly even too powerful but im not a computer hardware person - allows me to see what computing people are doing ig - don't feal like i'm cutting me self off technologically - it does chug if you give it too much to do, but that is a you problem not a it problem. - web exploreing works great - image editing works awsome - all the einstruments i have work with it - using the mic is hella fun - pico-8 works :) - pico-8 is awsome - makes me smile to play those games - soper fun to make game for what is sad about it - lots of software does not suport arm - blockhead :( -this is the sadest one. i love blockhead- - literally if i can't get blockhead running on this, i'll probebly sell it :(. - i really don't want to leave this relationship i have with blokhead. - i've tried REAPER, Caustic 3, Ableton, Blockhead is my favorite. - i like the random itch indie art game. - one of my favorite types of art - this computer isn't compatable with future focused engine and graphics engine choice. - olpy soports OpenGL 3.1 - can't do DirectX11 - SuperCollider is being ornery. i'd like to learn it. sound an't comin out of it though. - the rasberry pi os is a bit sus, but im fine with it for now - won't let me change the theme of the windows - won't let me set the icon set >:( 2024-10-02 yup its borked. buying a board from ardafirut, hopfully that thing doesn' kick the can as well. 2024-10-01 the pro micro is bein a stupid ass bitch, cheap ass, dumb >:( https://forum.arduino.cc/t/suddenly-disappear-dev-ttyacm0/494454/8 setting the Serial.begin(19200) made it work with Serial.begin(9600) if i made to many serial calls it would disconnect for the computer. oh piss off, you were workin there for a second. Connecting to programmer: . Found programmer: Id = "Loop ca"; type = Software Version = L.o; Hardware Version = o.p avrdude: error: buffered memory access not supported. Maybe it isn't a butterfly/AVR109 but a AVR910 device? avrdude: initialization failed, rc=-1 Double check connections and try again, or use -F to override this check. avrdude: error: programmer did not respond to command: leave prog mode avrdude: error: programmer did not respond to command: exit bootloader you ass 2024-09-26 well we're on our way there just needs to be glued together and the ardunino pro micro needs to be programed :) i can make it so it outputs keyboard stuff and midi stuff programing it should be fun runing into trouble with the rasberry pi 4 though i could just put it in a nice rapper, i do like the pi4, small happy, rasberry pi os works awsome on it. i can't get any of the software i want to us eto run on it. i don't think "more rescearh" would have helped. i'm realizing just unstable tech is. emulation layers, hardware incompatablities. abye my bad for trying to run stuff on sutch a weak broski? that's just the thing, the pi4 isvery powerful. the problems, the things i would like to ba able to use it for. i duno life has been fealing draining latly the last few days trying to follow dreams (haven't been mentaly capable of doing that up till now really) its ecsiting, but this i don't know were to go with life get a job right? go explore a carear in electronics right? what you doin in wwoof? livin off savings right now. don't know how to survive the world of money yet. :| ............ Can a lithium battery be charged and discharged at the same time? --Utsource NO it can not https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sdkufp-UIfI How to Use a 4s 40A BMS Module to build Battery Packs? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5oBeiehXvA TUTORIAL: About & How to use a Cheap LM2596S Buck Converter / Battery Charger Module - Arduino https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiLFq0xM7xE LM2596 Constant Voltage / Constant Current Module! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoqTeS1xeVE Exploring A CHEAP 3-cell BMS Board! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQbDkYt4eqI Why Japan Loves Small Things 2024-09-04 we shall start with the keyboard. i will use a arduino pro-micro to get my feet wet. i don't know how to repurpose micro contollers yet. there's more things i need to learn. working on 3d printing key caps, my libaray has one and our family owns an old buzbot mini 1. 8 years old ish. couldn't find any local old keyboards to reuse parts from. the recycling ceter does not allow people to search through the e-waste. Assembling of homemade mobile 6502 computer PERSEUS-9 Homemade 6502 computer PERSEUS-8 calculates asteroid position 2024-09-01 Open Book: 2023 #HackadayPrize Video perfect, this is beutiful. now give me a whole computer like this. 2024-08-29 Autarky 2024-08-24 there we go finaly found them Alephonya on youtube this is very simular to what im looking at to do. here's were they build a portable pc from leftover parts. DIY homemade laptop pc custom plywood portable case 2024-08-22 tech I use to stay productive 2024! some one goes through their personal computing equipment. their story about their type-wirter is awsome. 2024-08-21 examples postgrowth thoughts from before i think i've found people who have the same idea. The Computer is a Feeling if anything, i'd like a copmuter to become my "religion", my "ritual" somthing done and exsisting as a envoker of the "soul" somthing intemate and personal what im seeing is that a "device" that can use the internet in this state is not possible. the internet requires cross compatibility. that compatibilty requires extra stuff so this knows how to talk to this and this knows how to talk to that. its like a encyclapidia of all language but that is not what personal means personal means "human scaled" the closest thing i've experenced to this is "fantasy consels" pico8 picotron beutiful things. but a "fantsy" non the less? Godposting – or: New Internet Esotericism "At the heart of all this motion is a lust for crawling through someone else’s ambiguity, in staring at a post or profile for longer than the machine’s trained you to, in the toothsome frustration of trying to figure out what’s a revelation, what’s a dark joke, and what’s just the result of a chemically imbalanced brain and an eternally available keyboard." this ^ like think about it. what if a computer was treated the same way a classical musical instument was treated? it what a large but purminent investment of sorts. once in a while you'd need to get small things fixed, the bow needs more hair, a small split needs to be filled. what if? a computers pain could be mesured as when its coponents are under an unessiary amount of stress (ie under water, extream heat) how can we a computer shrine