i've read the couple first volumes of vagabond a while back.
then stoped.
today i was at the library.
they had vol 9-11
i picked up volume 11 then volume 10.
this is where the ideas started to connect.

doubt is the end of meaning in a determenistic univerce.
but here. in vagabond.
"determenistic" feels like the wrong word.
probebly because we can't tell what our life was "determined" to be.
"acseptance of what is"
"acseptance of what you are"
the abilty to move through life.
that is freedom.
that could be the freedom of a preordained univerce.
specificaly it is not the desire of action.
the disire to "become the strongest" to achive a personal goal
these desires are self centered
and do not point to the heavans
they point to yourself
to pray means to release your mind from its self
to stare into the star covered sky and loose track of your body
"the path you've taken" does not matter
what matters is what is right now
"the moment you say "now"... it no longer is "now"" - Takezou Shinmen
a seprate idea
what is the path between?
the answer is never found but always descovered in the process of life, right?
a final thought
otherwize when will you decide to commit to something
you have to think about it first? do you really?
what will you pay back to the univerce?
"the path you've taken"?
of what importance is that?